Sunday, October 5, 2008

huge sighs

Too much happen.. and sick of bad stuff happening.. all my fault
1) friend started smoking
2) i went back smoking
3) i "gambled" abit from nothing
4) i drank beer
5) i skipped gym twice
6) i dunno which squad i should be in
7) i haven been there for my friends
8) i nv post for 2 days
9) i wasted alot of money
10) i keep coming home late..



holsuitangi said...

OMG!! what are you thinking and doing men!! By the way, i left your guitar at the helicon rm. I thought you left already. The guitar was too much to bring to church!

HuiJuan said...

how come like that again. cuz ur friends influence u horr. is really different from last time le right.. can't say quit jiu quit le lo. jys lo.
